Sustainability Committee

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee of Student Government functions to implement projects, host events, and promote sustainability on campus.

Throughout the year, we work on implementing sustainability initiatives in collaboration with other university stakeholders, which include:

  • Composting initiatives
  • Reducing plastic consumption in the dining halls
  • And others that our committee members are passionate about.

In addition, Sustainability Committee puts on two large events a year:

  • America Recycles Day and SciNite.
  • We also participate in events put on by the Office of Sustainability such as Earth Day events and Sustainapalooza.

Sustainability Committee also works with the Green Initiatives Fund Committee. The committee will review Green Fund proposals and ultimately vote on whether or not to approve the proposal.

Applications for the Sustainability Committee open Monday, August 10th, and will close at 5pm on August 25th! If you would like to apply for the committee, please click here to fill out a Google Form:

Meetings of the Sustainability Committee will be decided in the next few weeks, and once decided, will be posted on this page!

Statement from the Committee Chair:

This year Sustainability Committee will focus its efforts on implementing long-term changes that will aid in the long-term process of normalizing sustainability and sustainable practices at Iowa State University. Our Committee will strive to bring these changes to fruition through working on various sustainability initiatives and projects across campus and actively engaging with other students, faculty, and staff on this concept.

Students are the eyes and ears of campus. We see walking to class or eating in the dining halls areas where we can and should implement more environmentally-friendly, sustainable practices. Sustainability Committee is a space for students who wish to take action on these issues to collaborate with their peers and work to create change at Iowa State!

- Jennifer Seth

Sustainability Committee Projects:

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Elizabeth Smith

Apply for the Sustainability Committee!

Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 Sustainability Committee of Student Government! Apply at and feel free to email me with any questions (

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Izzy Wilde

Sci Nite – March 27th

Sci Nite – March 27th On behalf of the Student Government Sustainability Committee, we are currently planning an event called SciNite and are looking for

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Izzy Wilde

Carbon Removal Forum

Carbon Removal Forum The Carbon Removal Forum is a campus-wide event to harness knowledge and capacity toward developing an Iowa State University program in agriculturally-based

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Olivia Miller

Director of Sustainability

Interested in Sustainability?

Check out the Green Initiative Fund Committee!

Would you like to submit an idea?

The committee would love to hear what you have in mind to help better elevate student lives at Iowa State University related to sustainability.