FAQs about StuGov

FAQ about Student Government

This page goes over a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Student Government at Iowa State University. If there is a question you have that is not discussed on this page, feel free to contact us directly here.

List of FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

We serve students and improve the student experience through advocacy and empowerment. Student Government is the student organization which represents all students at Iowa State University. To do this, we work with other student organizations, ISU administration, the Ames community, the state legislature, and the Board of Regents to accomplish initiatives, set policies, and make sure students have a voice.

This graphic helps illustrate the branches of StuGov.

The executive branch, which is made up of the President, Vice-President and cabinet, works on specific projects and initiatives related to student interests.

The legislative branch, which is made up of the Senate, debates student issues and passes legislation regarding funding for student organizations.

Finally, the judicial branch, which is made up of the 9-member Supreme Court, rules on issues between students and student organizations

We have various committees in Student Government ranging from Diversity and Inclusion to Sustainability. You can contact suggest your ideas to a committee here: https://www.stugov.iastate.edu/idea/

The Student Government website has a contact page, where students can reach out to the President and Vice-President Directly. Students can even contact their senators using the Directory page. https://www.stugov.iastate.edu/directory/

Eligible Student Organizations can request funding from the Student Government. Eligibility criteria and funding application forms are available here: https://www.stugov.iastate.edu/funding/

You can either run for office or join one of our many committees!

Yes! All Iowa State students are eligible to vote!

Yes! Any Iowa State student who is enrolled at least part-time is eligible to run for Executive office or a Senate seat

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