President and Vice President

Martin Hursh

President of the Student Body

Quinn Margrett

Vice President of the Student Body
President of the Student Senate

Executive Cabinet

Claire Hosch

Chief of Staff

Evan Martinez

Finance Director

Mindi Heeren

Non-Profit Coordinator

Monet Butler

Co-Director of Events
Senate Clerk

Holly Schmitt

Co-Director of Events

Erik Braun

Sr. Director of Communications

Colby Brandt

Director of Governmental Affairs

Arigni Panja

IDEA Director

Adam Herrington

Director of Health & Wellness

Eric Gerdes

Director of Outreach

Emily Boland

Ex-Officio to the Ames City Council

Kit O'Driscoll

Co-Director of Sustainability

Abby Bergstrom

Co-Director of Sustainability

Bob Carver

Director of Affordability

Sofia De Lima Barbosa

Director of International Student Experience

Chase Anderson

Director of Marketing

Braden Fels

Director of Residence Life

Daniel Piller

Director of Information Technology

Speaker and Vice Speaker

Alexandra Momaney

Speaker of the Student Senate
Off-Campus Residence Senator

Josie Pursley

Vice Speaker of the Student Senate
CPC Residence Senator

Senate Clerk

Monet Butler

Co-Director of Events
Senate Clerk

Student Senate

Abhiraj Agarwal

Residence Hall Senator

Ella Aiono-Dimoff

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

Muhammad Azhan

Graduate College Senator

Paige Bailey

Off-Campus Senator

Luke Cronin

IFC Residence Senator

Maria Dugan

Off-Campus Senator

Asray Gopa

Off-Campus Residence Senator

Claire Hartley

Residence Hall Senator

Ayden James

Off-Campus Senator

Chase Johnson

Off-Campus Senator

Samantha Jones

College of Health and Human Science Senator

Noah Kammeyer

Residence Hall Senator

Mkpe Kekung

Graduate College Senator

Ryker Markus

Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator

Tadiwa Mbuwayesango

Ivy College of Business Senator

Justin Moran

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

Srishti Nandal

Off-Campus Residence Senator

Lauren Neal

Off-Campus Senator

Jonathan Nevenhoven

Ivy College of Business Senator

Kevin O'Connor

College of Engineering Senator

Lucky Onyekwelu-Udoka

College of Engineering Senator

Alex Pallan

College of Engineering Senator

Hemanthsai Peddasani

Residence Hall Senator

Kathleen Pelzer

College of Health and Human Science Senator

Labeeha Rehaman

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

Maddie Reinhardt

Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator

Erik Rolwes

College of Design Senator

Danial Shamsaei

SUV Senator

Julius Sloop

Off-Campus Residence Senator

Jake Snyder

Off-Campus Residence Senator

Lauren Vierregger

Frederiksen Court Residence Senator

Chief Justice and Chief Justice Pro-Tempore

Maxwell Zimmerman

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Tiffany Kabanuk

Chief Justice Pro-Tempore of the Supreme Court

Supreme Court

Mensah Richard Adonu

Associate Justice

Benjamin Matthias

Associate Justice

Michael Briesemester

Associate Justice

Antonio Chavez

Associate Justice

Emily Haes

Associate Justice


Chad Garland

Lead Advisor

Kristine Hefilin


Brad Hill


Mike Norton


Administrative Assistant

Amy Shaw

Administrative Assistant