The Legislative Branch

    Legislative Branch

    About the Branch

    Combining the voices of all constituencies, the Student Senate acts upon the needs and concerns of students their organizations.

    The legislative branch consists of the Student Senate. Every spring, the student body duly elects thirty-four senators in Student Government's university-wide elections. Each senator represents either their residency area (e.g. residence halls, apartments, etc) or their primary academic college. That means each student is represented two ways in the senate. Once the new term begins, the senate elects a speaker and vice speaker. Candidates for these roles address the senate at length, sharing their innovative ideas to make the body more efficient and effective. Once elected, the speaker of the senate chairs the rules committee and ensures senators follow the established senate rules. All senators then choose from a range of committees they may join. Together, senators discuss issues relevant to the student body, fund student organizations, and make important appointments.

    Get Involved

    The legislature is always seeking new members and fresh ideas year-round. Use this link to learn more about current opportunities.

    Speaker and Vice Speaker

    Alexandra Momaney

    Speaker of the Student Senate
    Off-Campus Residence Senator

    Josie Pursley

    Vice Speaker of the Student Senate
    CPC Residence Senator

    Senate Clerk

    Monet Butler

    Co-Director of Events
    Senate Clerk

    Student Senate

    Abhiraj Agarwal

    Residence Hall Senator

    Ella Aiono-Dimoff

    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

    Muhammad Azhan

    Graduate College Senator

    Paige Bailey

    Off-Campus Senator

    Luke Cronin

    IFC Residence Senator

    Maria Dugan

    Off-Campus Senator

    Asray Gopa

    Off-Campus Residence Senator

    Claire Hartley

    Residence Hall Senator

    Ayden James

    Off-Campus Senator

    Chase Johnson

    Off-Campus Senator

    Samantha Jones

    College of Health and Human Science Senator

    Noah Kammeyer

    Residence Hall Senator

    Mkpe Kekung

    Graduate College Senator

    Ryker Markus

    Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator

    Tadiwa Mbuwayesango

    Ivy College of Business Senator

    Justin Moran

    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

    Srishti Nandal

    Off-Campus Residence Senator

    Lauren Neal

    Off-Campus Senator

    Jonathan Nevenhoven

    Ivy College of Business Senator

    Kevin O'Connor

    College of Engineering Senator

    Lucky Onyekwelu-Udoka

    College of Engineering Senator

    Alex Pallan

    College of Engineering Senator

    Hemanthsai Peddasani

    Residence Hall Senator

    Kathleen Pelzer

    College of Health and Human Science Senator

    Labeeha Rehaman

    College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Senator

    Maddie Reinhardt

    Agriculture and Life Sciences Senator

    Erik Rolwes

    College of Design Senator

    Danial Shamsaei

    SUV Senator

    Julius Sloop

    Off-Campus Residence Senator

    Jake Snyder

    Off-Campus Residence Senator

    Lauren Vierregger

    Frederiksen Court Residence Senator